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11/4/24: An Important Message from Dr. James Lee| CLICK HERE
If your child test positive for COVID-19, please read the following
Keep your child comfortable with supportive cares including
Pushing plenty of clear fluids
Using a cool- mist humidifier
Elevating their head during sleep
Keeping their nose clear with nasal saline and suction or blowing
Using warm steam to help with congestion
Offering honey and lemon if over 1year to help with cough
We do not advise OTC cough suppressants
May take Tylenol/Motrin as needed
Monitor symptoms and call the office for:
High fever (over 104)
Fever that lasts for more than 72hrs
Trouble breathing or respiratory distress
Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
Pale, gray or blue colored skin or lips
Symptoms of MIS-C include fever PLUS more than one of the following:
Abdominal pain
Bloodshot eyes
Chest tightness/pain
Feeling extra tired
Low BP
Neck pain
**All close contacts should be alerted and obtain testing at appropriate interval.**
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